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Advanced TaiChi Chen-Style Fan 24 Forms 陈式太极扇24式

  • 39 Steps

About The Course

TaiChi Fan For Flexibility, Mobility and Stress. Tai Chi Fan is one of the most popular form for people to exercise today.  It’s like an intentional dance that emphasizes body awareness and mindful meditation.  Observers and participants both can become easily entranced in the methodological and calming forms.  Today, more and more people practice Tai Chi Fan because of their physical health and mental benefits. Chen style TaiChi Fan 24 Forms are consist of 24 movements, it considered as “Dancing Art,” it requires a focus of the mind and body synchronized with slow, soft, strong, fast controlled movements. Master Ping is from China, he is a 12th generation of Chen style TaiChi with Master Chen Zheng Lei. With his fluent English, clear understanding of Chen Style Tai Chi and years of experience teaching international students, he is really professional and well done. This course designed for people practicing with relaxed muscles, increasing internal energy, energy collection, and energy control, improves natural posture alignment, balance, and inner peace. This course provided by master Ping and step by step to teach, it is suitable for all people, making it easy for anyone, anywhere to learn Tai Chi.




Single Payment
3 Plans Available
From US$147.00


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